Returning to the boat for lunch the weather brightened up and the forecast had changed to show some drier weather this afternoon so after lunch we took advantage of the dry spell to have a pump out and then headed off towards Hillmorton Locks.
We had not expected to see many boats about but no sooner than we had turned onto the canal from the marina there seemed to be a continual stream of boats coming from Hillmorton. Fortunately we did not encounter any coming through the tunnel or the tight bend and bridge immediately after it. The number of lights in the tunnel are progressively diminishing each time we pass and no doubt will never be replaced when they have all failed. It will be a great shame as they are a feature of this stretch of canal but with money so short I see no alternative.
There was only one boat moored before the bridge into Brownsover and there were still spaces on the park and the towpath opposite. we had thought that it would be full with people not moving because of the inclement weather.
As we approached Clifton Wharf we passed the Canal Art on the old bridge support opposite, depicting some of the aspects of Rugby life.
Just before Clifton Wharf is the small arm where boats are moored and its entrance is used as a winding hole. There are boats moored two abreast along the wharf, both hire and private boats making it a little narrow to navigate. I waited near the winding hole for this Rose Day boat to come through as I did not wish to worry them. The wharf now has a cafe and art gallery and I think would be busy in the season.
Just through the bridge after the Wharf is a small group of allotments and there is a lovely tree loaded with bright red apples and a row of runner beans with their red flowers.
We passed this guys workshop boat with it array of flowers on the stern moored by the start of the Golf Course.
We were aiming to moor at the bottom of the locks at Hillmorton but spotted this great spot just after Bridge 68 with the backdrop of the golf course. We moored up so that I could get my golf fix for the week. As usual by the time we were having dinner our mooring had grown into a village. Two girls who had just taken their hire boat out from Falls Bridge were having difficulty mooring up in front of us so I offered to help and explained to them how the mooring hooks and spikes should be used to keep their boat safe and steady. They were very grateful for the advice.
The evening turned out to be nice with blue sky and sun creeping through the earlier cloud.
Glad to see you back out on the boat again. Hope June is feeling well again. Enjoy your trip.